Royal Netherlands Navy equips its New Generation Remus 100 AUV Fleet with SeeByte's Neptune software


The Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) has successfully integrated SeeByte’s Neptune software into its New Generation Remus 100 AUV Fleet.

Neptune is SeeByte’s goal based mission planning and autonomy engine software. The software allows for the expedition and optimization of single and multi-vehicle operations.

“We are privileged to be in a position to continue working with The Royal Netherlands Navy and assist in their goal to achieve security at and from the sea,” says SeeByte’s Technical Client Manager, Alastair Cormack.

“With the US, UK and Canadian navies currently using Neptune software, it is fantastic that the RNLN will now have access to the advanced capabilities we offer.”

Neptune can be used to coordinate fleets of unmanned assets for Mine Countermeasure (MCM) missions, which allows operators to easily coordinate a variety of assets to search, classify and map, re-acquire and identify operations as part of a single mission.

When all the mission plans and monitoring are combined in a single work station and user interface, teams can manage larger fleets of unmanned assets without putting extra strain on the operators.