Our Impact

AUVSI represents the views of the uncrewed systems and robotics community to elected officials, regulators, media, industry analysts, and other decision makers, influencers, and opinion leaders. We are committed to advocating globally for public policy that encourages the advancement and deployment of uncrewed technology. AUVSI members and staff regularly testify at congressional hearings, participate in rulemaking committees, and collaborate with government agencies and industry organizations to achieve the goals and objectives of the association.

AUVSI has organized these outreach programs to engage its membership in advocacy initiatives:

Member Committees

Defense Advocacy Committee — A group of AUVSI members that advance policies and funding for uncrewed and autonomous systems in the Department of Defense, ensuring the U.S. remains at the forefront of autonomous defense technologies.

Air Advocacy Committee — A group of AUVSI members that set our legislative and regulatory priorities in the air domain. The AAC works intimately with federal regulators in the Executive Branch, lawmakers in the Legislative Branch and their staffs, as well as state, local, and tribal officials, to help scale UAS and AAM integration, and their associated technologies and infrastructure, in a meaningful way. 

Maritime Advocacy Committee — A group of AUVSI members that set our federal legislative and regulatory priorities in the maritime domain. The MAC develops advocacy goals and policy positions to enable all AUVSI members to speak with a unified voice on behalf of the UMS industry.

Ground Advocacy Committee — A group of AUVSI members focused on increasing commercial deployment opportunities for companies working in the automated trucking and off-road vehicles, warehouse robotics, and personal delivery devices sectors through local, state, tribal, and federal lobbying, public education campaigns, and assertive thought leadership. 

Political Action Committee — AUVSI PAC supports congressional candidates who understand the issues facing uncrewed systems and robotics and share our views on public policy to advance the industry.


Hill Day — An annual event at the U.S. Capitol for AUVSI members to meet with their congressional representatives and discuss legislation affecting the uncrewed systems and robotics community.


Become a Member


For questions about AUVSI’s advocacy initiatives, or to engage with us on policy issues, please contact our team.