Green UAS


Bolstering America's secure, capable UAS technology 

Green UAS certification assesses and verifies commercial drones meet the highest levels of cybersecurity and NDAA supply chain requirements through a security controls assessment and vulnerability and penetration test. The Green UAS cleared list of drones and components will meet the same levels of security requirements as the DIU's Blue UAS 2.0 program.


In partnership with its members and other key industry stakeholders, AUVSI launched the Green UAS certification to provide expedited and streamlined vetting of commercial and non-defense drone technologies to support end-users confidence when procuring systems and to bolster the drone and component manufacturing base for secure drone systems. 

Green UAS Certification builds upon the Blue UAS program to specifically serve the commercial and non-defense drone community with access to the same level of verification and certification for cybersecurity and NDAA supply chain compliance. 

Green UAS compliant drones that have a DoD customer/sponsor willing to sponsor and fund a DoD Authority to Operate (ATO) may have the opportunity to transition from the Green UAS cleared list to Blue UAS cleared list. ​

Green UAS compliant components have the opportunity to opt-in to data sharing with the DIU through AUVSI for a seamless review and consideration for addition to the Blue UAS Framework list. 


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