Optimus Ride equipping its fleet of autonomous vehicles with NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Xavier computing platform


Self-driving vehicle tech company Optimus Ride has announced that it will equip its autonomous vehicle fleet with the NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Xavier computing platform, which is capable of delivering 30 trillion operations per second using new deep learning and computer vision accelerators.

The company says that the NVIDIA DRIVE platform will deliver “unprecedented computational performance and safety” to its self-driving vehicles.

“Building on NVIDIA DRIVE ensures our vehicles are equipped with the highest performance and most efficient processing power available,” says Optimus Ride CEO and Co-Founder Ryan Chin.

“With the introduction of NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Xavier, our vehicles will be able to adapt and respond to their environments faster than ever before, comprehending what’s happening around them in real time. With this level of insight and responsiveness, we’ll be able to introduce fully autonomous services in our deployment regions by the end of the year.”

Optimus Ride says that with the NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Xavier platform, it will not only be able to build its first fully driverless (Level 4) fleet service for geofenced deployments, but it will also be able to “scale vehicle intelligence to deploy globally in the autonomous vehicle (AV) marketplace.”

“Optimus Ride’s adoption of the scalable NVIDIA DRIVE AGX platform gives them the computational horsepower and sophisticated AI software stack essential for safe self-driving systems,” comments Rishi Dhall, vice president, automotive business development at NVIDIA.

Optimus Ride vehicles currently deployed in both Boston’s Seaport District and the Union Point Smart City development in Weymouth, Massachusetts will utilize the DRIVE AGX Xavier platform. Additionally, the technology will be installed in other Optimus Ride vehicles at new sites that will be announced later this year.