Iron Ox automates part of farming process with its robotic arms and movers


A startup robotics company called Iron Ox opened its first production facility in San Carlos, California on Oct. 3.

The company’s 8,000-square-foot indoor hydroponic facility is attached to its offices, and will produce leafy greens at a rate of roughly 26,000 heads a year, which is the production level of a typical outdoor farm that might be five times bigger, according to MIT Technology Review.

Iron Ox has 15 human employees that share their work space with robots that tend rows of leafy greens. Robotic arms individually pluck the plants from their hydroponic trays and transfer them to new trays as they increase in size, which maximizes their health and output. Robotic movers carry the 800-pound water-filled trays around the facility.

According to Iron Ox’s cofounder Brandon Alexander, making sure these different machines worked together was “tricky” at first.

“We had different robots doing different tasks, but they weren’t integrated together into a production environment,” Alexander says via MIT Technology Review.

With this in mind, Iron Ox developed “The Brain,” which is software that helps the machines work together.

The Brain watches over the farm, and monitors things such as nitrogen levels, temperature, and robot location. It also orchestrates both robot and human attention wherever it is needed.

While most of the operation is automated, there is still a level of human input required. Right now, workers help with seeding and processing of crops, but Alexander hopes to automate these steps as well.

As of right now, Iron Ox isn’t selling any of the food it produces, so the tens of thousands of heads of lettuce are going to a local food bank. The company is, however, talking to several local restaurants and grocers.