Exyn Technologies' Advanced Autonomous Aerial Robot designed for data collection in GPS-denied environments


Exyn Technologies Inc. has announced that its Advanced Autonomous Aerial Robot (A3R) is now available commercially.

Driven by the company’s exynAI proprietary software, the Exyn A3R is the first and most advanced fully autonomous aerial system for data collection in GPS-denied environments, according to Exyn.

​The vehicle has already proven beneficial to customers, as a Canadian-based international mining company called Dundee Precious Metals (DPM) selected Exyn as its technology partner, in an effort to advance its initiative for digitization and automation of its underground gold mining operations.

Exyn says that by using its aerial robots to automate mapping and surveying, DPM is “improving the quality of mapping data captured when compared to traditional surveying techniques; improving safety by reducing the amount of time spent underground by human operators; and increasing operational efficiency by having more accurate and up-to-date information for mine planning.”

“The Exyn A3Rs allow frequent and hi-resolution mapping of underground environments while reducing risks to personnel. We are very excited at the results of the maps we are seeing,” says Theophile Yameogo, vice president Digital Innovation, DPM

“As we further integrate the A3Rs into our workflow we anticipate a transformation of operations compared to today’s models.”

Operable without the need for a human pilot and in GPS-denied environments, Exyn’s A3Rs are “fully self-contained, intelligent systems,” Exyn says, that are designed to operate without the need for any prior information, persistent communication, or GPS.

All intelligence is onboard the vehicle, allowing it to conduct high-level missions in complex and completely unknown spaces.

Thanks to the Exyn's multi-sensor data fusion pipeline, each robot can optimally assimilate measurements from various on-board sensors such as 3D LIDAR, cameras, and inertial sensors to generate a robust state estimate of itself and surrounding environments. 

Additionally, the robots, equipped with Exyn’s real-time navigation software stack, can safely avoid collisions with both stationary and moving obstacles during requested missions. They are also capable of real-time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) to enable highly accurate map generation.

Exyn says that it has deployed its A3Rs as a service for customers in the United States, Latin America and Europe.