Australia's Defence Science and Technology Group acquires BlueComm undersea communications system


As part of its ongoing program in maritime autonomous systems (MAS), Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) has acquired a BlueComm undersea communications system from Sonardyne International Ltd.

According to Sonardyne, BlueComm is the only commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology that enables wireless transmission of high bandwidth tactical data—including video—over ranges of a few tens or even hundreds of meters, at rates of up to 10 megabits per second.

To drive faster, safer and better-informed decision making in theatres of operation, forces can use BlueComm to significantly increase the communications capability of their underwater systems. The system could also be considered for use for a host of other potential applications, including with swarms of autonomous vehicles mapping areas for mine-like objects, for USVs acting as surface communication gateways or as part of emerging MAS networks.

“BlueComm is a game changer for underwater operations, enabling autonomous and unmanned underwater vehicles (AUV/UUVs) and unmanned and manned vessels to communicate, without compromising their position,” explains Ioseba Tena, global business manager, Defence at Sonardyne.

“As we envision new concepts of operation which require interaction between different off-board assets subsea, the ability to share data covertly and securely cannot be underestimated.”

Sonardyne notes that BlueComm modems use light instead of the acoustics traditionally used for communications underwater to transmit and receive data, which allows them to deliver higher data rates with lower latency. They’re considered ideal for covert, secure communications since they’re undetectable by sonar listening devices. Configurations are available for all operating environments, including shallow waters with high levels of ambient light, and installation on underwater vehicles equipped with powerful lighting.

DST’s goal with this acquisition is to understand the operational implications of optical data transmission and its dependence on water clarity, geometry and ambient illumination.

As the Australian government’s lead agency responsible for applying science and technology to safeguard Australia and its national interests, DST delivers “expert, impartial advice and innovative” solutions for defense and national security.

Through exercises such as Australia’s Autonomous Warrior, which saw the co-ordinated use of unmanned/uninhabited air, land, sea surface and underwater systems, DST has played a pivotal role in driving the adoption of unmanned/uninhabited systems in the Pacific region.