

New Drone Leasing Options Now Available

New Drone Leasing Options Now Available Censys Technologies Rolls Out Leasing Program for All Products & Services

AUVSI to Present the Dawn of Drones Podcast in 2023

Arlington, Va. - Today, the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) announced a new collaboration with Colorado-based P3 Tech Consulting LLC (P3 Tech) and New-York’s MJN Associates to present the popular Dawn of Drones podcast across AUVSI platforms for the upcoming 2023 season.  

​AUVSI Joins Chorus of Stakeholders Calling on Biden-Harris Administration to Support U.S. Leadership in Advanced Aviation

On the heels of the White House Summit on Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) earlier this month, AUVSI today joined a group of UAS and AAM stakeholders in sending a letter to the Biden-Harris Administration urging executive action on maintaining and expanding American leadership in aviation innovation and advanced technologies.  

White House Advanced Air Mobility Summit: Takeaways for Industry

On August 3rd, the White House hosted a Summit on Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). While AAM was the focus of the Summit, discussions also centered around more traditional Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) issues, in addition to Counter-UAS issues in light of the Administration’s Counter-UAS Action Plan. AUVSI was honored to be able to attend this historic event and thanks the Biden Administration, and specifically the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), for organizing this Summit and inviting key industry stakeholders to share their views.

AUVSI Statement on U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit Ruling on FAA Remote ID Rule

Arlington, Va. – The United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit today issued an opinion in the case of Tyler Brennan, et al v.

AUVSI Presents: Uncrewed Systems & Strategic Competition

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 3:00 - 4:00 pm EST Webinar Description: While the U.S. has a military advantage over its adversaries, competition is growing. As the government funnels more resources into strategic competition, uncrewed systems will be at the forefront of U.S. competitiveness. Join AUVSI to learn how uncrewed air, maritime, and ground vehicles help set the stage for future combat, and gives the U.S. a competitive, strategic edge. Speakers:

COMING SOON: Operating Indoors – Time to Think Outside the Box

Date/Time: COMING SOON! Webinar Description: Indoor drone operations, such as in warehouses, provide unique challenges and opportunities. Overcoming the technical and operational challenges of safely and effectively navigating indoor spaces is critical to success – and businesses need to develop trust in their people and systems. Join this webinar to hear from businesses who have been able to safely and creatively use the technology to their advantage – as time and money savers. Speakers: TBD Registration: Registration is free for all attendees

Sensor Fusion Visualized for the Operator in a Complex Multi-sensor World

Date/Time: Wednesday, November 9th at 3:00 – 4:00 pm EDT Webinar Description: Kongsberg Geospatial will describe their IRIS Airspace Management and control platform which allows for control of multiple UAS per operator in BVLOS conditions. A key feature of IRIS is the ability to correlate and fuse similar and dissimilar sensor types to present a single fused track to the operator. With Airspace Management and safe vehicle operation involving more and more sensor feeds, this presentation will describe and show a video of the IRIS platform’s ability to integrate and fuse sensor feeds to present a clean uncluttered airspace visualization of fused tracks to the operator. Speakers:

Enabling Regulatory Breakthroughs for the Drone Industry with Skydio

Date/Time: Wednesday, November 2nd at 3:00 – 4:00 pm EDT Webinar Description: Existing drone regulations were written for conventional manual drones, but the advent of trustworthy autonomy enables new modes of operation and regulatory approaches. As a result, the FAA and global regulators are issuing path-breaking waivers that allow missions beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), even without the traditional requirements of visual observers and expensive ground-based radars.
