Students in Glasgow Being Prepped for Future Careers in Robotic and Autonomous Vehicle Industries


Primary and secondary school students in Glasgow, Scotland are getting the opportunity to learn about robots and driverless vehicles, thanks to free interactive workshops being offered at the Glasgow Science Centre.

According to Glasgow Science Centre’s CEO Stephen Breslin, the initiative between the city's schools and the Science Centre gives students the opportunity to take what they learn in the classroom, and apply it to real life scenarios.

“The program takes STEM out of the classroom and into real life and helps pupils and teachers understand the breadth of opportunity STEM careers offer and the variety of pathways into STEM industries,” Breslin says via the Evening Times.

“Thousands of our city’s children and teachers will be able to see science brought to life in a fun and interactive way thanks to the support from Glasgow City Council.”

Through the initiative, students will be able to visit ‘My World of Work Live!’, which includes interactive exhibits and workshops meant to spark and engage interest in future Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers for students.

Interactive exhibits and workshops like ‘My World of Work Live!’ are the key to engagement for the STEM field, according to Liz Cameron, executive member for children and young people in Glasgow.

“By joining forces with our colleagues in the Science Centre we are able to offer pupils a real hands on experience – there really is no better way to forge a love of science than practical lessons,” Cameron says.

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