AUTOSAR's latest version of Adaptive Platform can be used in highly autonomous systems


Real-Time Innovations (RTI) has announced that AUTomotive Open Systems ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) has released the latest version of the Adaptive Platform, Release 18-10, which features a full network binding of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard.

The release of the Adaptive Platform allows automotive manufacturers to now implement an AUTOSAR Adaptive framework with DDS and develop highly autonomous systems, such as Level 4 and Level 5 autonomous vehicles.

Together, RTI and the AUTOSAR Consortium collaborated on the implementation. RTI notes that both the DDS and AUTOSAR standards contribute to a “robust ecosystem” for autonomous systems. As a result, DDS allows AUTOSAR to fully support highly autonomous systems with a “production-ready communication framework” that delivers the reliability, scalability and performance needed for these complex systems.

“With DDS fully specified in AUTOSAR, the automotive industry can now use RTI Connext and DDS to develop high-performance applications, such as sensor fusion applications,” explains Bob Leigh, senior director of Autonomous Vehicles at RTI.

“They can also efficiently connect AUTOSAR-based applications to other systems using a robust, forward-looking IIoT architecture. The specification is now available and we look forward to continuing our work with AUTOSAR to drive the future of transportation.”

According to RTI, the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform is a software standard designed to meet the increasing technology demands of new automotive applications. Meanwhile, automotive OEMs are quickly adopting DDS as a framework to solve the complex requirements of Level 4 and Level 5 autonomous systems.

With AUTOSAR 18-10, customers can now implement an AUTOSAR Adaptive Framework with DDS. RTI notes that AUTOSAR 18-10 helps solve a variety of safety and connectivity challenges that OEM software development teams face in supporting affordable, premium and luxury model vehicles. Additionally, AUTOSAR 18-10 allows developers to “configure the platform dynamically” to support the various operating modes and hardware capabilities of each car platform.

In the AUTOSAR Adaptive platform, the DDS components are optimized for end-to-end data sharing, and there is little to no custom integration needed, resulting in the DDS-based technology eliminating difficult integration and security challenges for OEMs by providing a “data-centric interoperable framework” that supports all of the operating systems and processor architectures commonly used by OEMs and their suppliers.

Auto manufacturers can also utilize other technologies outside of the AUTOSAR specification, including cloud-based and back-end systems, as well as other components that are common within the automotive industry, such as MatLab and Simulink, as well as DSpace, Linux and QNX platforms.