India’s Flux Auto looking to create affordable self-driving technology for trucks


According to TechCrunch, a startup company in India called Flux Auto is looking to make autonomous driving technology “more widely available” for truck operators, especially those outside of the United States, by significantly lowering the cost of the technology.

Based in Bangalore, India, the 16-person startup would like to democratize autonomous systems, as it is working on technology that, when finished, could allow any kind of truck to be retrofitted with self-driving technology at a much lower price.

One of the main components that hikes up the prices of self-driving technology is Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) sensors. Flux Auto has opted against using these sensors for its self-driving system, which makes their technology much more affordable.

“While the competition is focusing on LIDAR technology which is very expensive and processing heavy (due to a lot of unneeded data), our vision algorithms can be used with any cheap cameras and has a much quicker response time,” Flux Auto founder Pranav Manpuria tells TechCrunch.

“This drives down our cost and in turn, the cost for the customer as well, all while having similar levels of accuracy as a LIDAR system.”

Manpuria says that the company is using cameras along with other sensors such as sonar, radar, ultrasonic and others to “understand everything that’s happening around the vehicle, and make decisions based on that.”

Using this combination of technology, Flux Auto is hoping to sell its technology at a price range between $3,000-$4,500, depending on the level of features a customer desires.

Ultimately, Flux Auto is hoping to take the strain off of drivers, and make journeys more efficient, so it is developing its system to be capable of handling cruise control, lane keeping and collision avoidance.

“We’re developing our entire tech stack as an after market accessory. This allows us to target the massive market of already existing commercial vehicles,” Manpuria says.

Flux Auto’s technology was initially tested on cars, but the company has equipped its first truck with the technology so that it can begin the next stage of testing, which is scheduled to occur before the end of August.

Within the next 12 months, Flux Auto would like to equip 2,500 vehicles with its technology, which could result in the company having to open an office in the United States. The need for an office in the United States might become more crucial if India bans autonomous cars, which its transport minister has threatened to do.