Nevada Chapter

Message from the President

With the start of 2017, we rolled out a series of efforts to strengthen the unmanned systems (UxS) business community within Nevada: more recruiting of remote pilots,  more community outreach, and more collaboration within the community. We have promoted Nevada through multiple Remote Pilot’s Councils, with well-received support from AUVSI’s Chief Pilot. We have coordinated a sponsorship with Interdrone 2018, and provide benefits to our members. We had a very successful Nevada State Pavilion at Xponential 2018 in Denver, and are very thankful for the member participation. We aim to repeat this next year at Xponential  2019 in Chicago, and encourage all members to contact the Chapter officers to secure their booth space with us.
Stay tuned to this website (and update your profile with a current email address) for more details.

Thank you again,

Jonathan Daniels
Chapter President


November is “Crossover Tech Month” Month on the Dawn of Drones podcast!

Founded in 2004 in Dubai by aviation experts, Titan Aviation began with modest goals and an enduring mission.

Yulia Druzhnikova, Co-founder and Director of Global Expansion at FIXAR, joins Dawn this week, as we continue an amazing month dedicated to “Future of Flight” and sponsored by Tit

AUVSI Events


Check back here for more information about this upcoming event.