
Mission & Vision

AUVSI Emerald Coast Chapter Mission

Welcome! The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) is the world's largest nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to advancing the unmanned systems community. AUVSI, with members from government organizations, industry and academia, is committed to fostering, developing, and promoting unmanned systems and related technologies. AUVSI provides opportunities for information exchange, networking and business development and is the best resource for simply learning about unmanned systems or for staying abreast of the latest program and technology updates. The Emerald Coast Chapter is dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems in the Florida panhandle region.

Message from the President

Greetings Unmanned Systems Professionals,

The Emerald Coast Chapter of the AUVSI held its annual membership meeting and Chapter Officer elections on 14 Nov 19 at the University of West Florida (UWF) Main Campus. We were joined by a group of undergraduate students from UWF who have an interest in robotics and autonomous/unmanned vehicles. After dinner (catered by the Taste of Jerusalem Restaurant), we reviewed the chapter's past year activities. We heard from John Mills about the legislative "Hill Days" sponsored by AUVSI that he attended both in Tallahassee and Washington, DC. Eric Becker briefed the group on his unmanned vehicle activities for the World Wildlife Fund and I summarized our STEM outreach activites. The students, and their faculty advisor, described their interests in unmanned systems and robotics in general as well as their efforts to start a student club at UWF. They have since completed the paperwork to form a UWF student club and have also started the process to become an AUVSI student club affiliated with the Emerald Coast Chapter.

To close out the meeting, we held our annual elections. The results follow:

President (2019-2020): John Mills
Vice-President (2019-2020): Chris Tonn
Secretary (2019-2020): Michael Broker
Treasurer (2019-2020): John Dawson
Board of Directors (2022): Sharon Heise
Board of Directors (2021): Eric Becker
Board of Directors (2020): Ken Blackburn

The new board will be inaugurated at the next board meeting (to be scheduled by John). This will be my final message to you as Chapter President and it has been an honor and a privilege to serve the chapter these past few years. I look forward to continuing to be active in the chapter, including working with the UWF student club, but I also thank John Mills for stepping up to the plate and taking on the leadership of the chapter.



2019 Chapter Activities



November is “Crossover Tech Month” Month on the Dawn of Drones podcast!

Founded in 2004 in Dubai by aviation experts, Titan Aviation began with modest goals and an enduring mission.

Yulia Druzhnikova, Co-founder and Director of Global Expansion at FIXAR, joins Dawn this week, as we continue an amazing month dedicated to “Future of Flight” and sponsored by Tit

AUVSI Events


Check back here for more information about this upcoming event.