Mapping for Autonomous Car Technology to Begin in Iowa


Iowa’s Department of Transportation is preparing to set aside a stretch of Interstate 380 between Iowa City and Cedar Rapids in an effort to map out a path for autonomous cars to eventually drive on.

A Chicago-based company called HERE will not only supply the technology for the mapping, but will also develop the technology for the autonomous vehicles.

The portion of Interstate 380 that will be mapped out was chosen because it gives a representation of both urban and rural traffic patterns. During the mapping process, which is set to begin next year, HERE will collect data such as advanced measurements, weather and traffic congestion, to help develop the autonomous technology.

“Iowa is taking a leadership role in answering important questions about how transportation agencies prepare for and facilitate the adoption of automated vehicles,” said Monali Shah, director of global intelligent transportation at HERE, via Government Technology. “We look forward to leveraging our advanced location technologies to help human drivers drive more effectively today and enable automated vehicles as they become available.”

Iowa DOT Director Paul Trombino III added, “This project lays the foundation for the future of transportation and mobility in Iowa. We are going to tackle the key technical and practical challenges of connected and automated vehicle deployments in real-world conditions.”

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