Kansas Unmanned Aerial Systems Program Takes Flight


The state of Kansas is looking to save thousands of dollars when inspecting bridges and towers, with the creation of the Kansas Unmanned Aerial Systems Program.

According to UAS Director Bob Brock, using UAS to conduct inspections could bring the cost of inspections below $1,000, a sharp contrast to the near $4,600 it cost per inspection when humans are involved.

Besides cutting down on prices, UAS also significantly increase safety and convenience.

“What this was able to do during this test was be able to get underneath a large bridge that would otherwise require specialized equipment to put a person underneath that bridge in a way that was safe,” Brock said via KMUW Wichita.

Brock added, “we put an awful lot of manpower into each bridge inspection and have to physically put a person in the air over a moving river or even near traffic at times that may be unnecessary.”

Making the program even more significant to the state is the fact that the UAS being used are developed by Kansas companies, and the program is also working with universities in the state for research purposes.

The program plans on conducting six to eight more test inspections in the next year.

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