Iowa National Guard Performs Demonstration of UAS


On Wednesday, the Iowa National Guard performed a demonstration of the RQ-7B Shadow UAS in front of members of the media and public.

The demonstrations came after weeks of training that has been conducted at Boone Airport in Boone, Iowa.

For Sgt. Francisco Hernandez of the Iowa National Guard, these training sessions have been very important, especially for young soldiers of the 28-soldier platoon responsible for operating the aircraft.

“Our main mission out here between the takeoffs and landings, is to be able to organize a good training structure for our young soldiers as they learn how to operate the aircraft,” Hernandez said, via WHO TV. “It is actual aviation, they're in control of an aircraft which weighs 465 pounds.”

With a flight time of nearly six hours, the UAS, which has reconnaissance and target acquisition capabilities, is launched from a pressure mounted sling shot. The 11-foot UAS is operated from the control room of an army vehicle, and its flight is directed using a mouse and keyboard.

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