Parrot, RIIS partner to develop custom applications of AI for Parrot's ANAFI drone platform


Parrot has partnered with mobile app, web development and IT consulting services provider RIIS to develop custom applications of artificial intelligence for Parrot’s ANAFI drone platform.

Together, the companies will explore how AI and computer vision technology, combined with drone data capture, can be used to solve a number of industry challenges using an efficient and cost-effective approach.

“We are excited to explore the immense capabilities AI and drones will deliver to our clients through our ongoing partnership with RIIS,” says Jerome Bouvard, Parrot director of Strategic Partnership.

“At Parrot, we are always looking for innovative solutions for our enterprise partner’s every-day pain points.”

Parrot and RIIS are looking into municipal use of drones for a variety of operations including assessing parking lots, public parks, and streetlights; warehouse inventory counting; and property surveillance for real estate professionals and developers. Drone technology is expected to greatly enhance what can often be tedious processes when completing professional projects across various industries and sectors.

“Our recent collaboration with Parrot perfectly illustrates the immense potential of developing apps for Parrot’s ANAFI drone platform,” says RIIS CEO and founder Godfrey Nolan.

“Leveraging the power of AI and machine learning apps with Parrot drones promises to provide previously impossible solutions to costly and time-consuming challenges.

Parrot and RIIS have also released a technical whitepaper, which provides step-by-step instruction on how to use Parrot’s open source Ground SDK to add AI and computer vision to the ANAFI Drone. The whitepaper details an example of this technology in use through an application called Cattle Counter, which allows farmers and agriculture professionals to quantify the size of cattle herds to automate the monitoring and counting process, in a simple and accurate manner.