Lockheed Martin, Raytheon successfully fire Javelin missiles from remote launcher mounted on UGV


The Javelin Joint Venture team, which is a partnership between Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, has announced that it successfully fired Javelin missiles from a Kongsberg remote launcher mounted on a Titan UGV during demonstrations at the U.S. Army Redstone Test Center, Alabama.

The Javelin Joint Venture team describes Javelin as a “versatile one-man-portable and platform-employed anti-tank and multi-target precision weapon system.”

“Javelin is ready to support emerging military robotic vehicle requirements,” says Sam Deneke, Raytheon Land Warfare Systems vice president. “Remotely operated technology like this protects soldiers in battle.”

According to Lockheed Martin, Javelin has been fielded on the Common Remote Operations Weapon Station-Javelin across U.S. Army Stryker 8x8 vehicle brigades in Europe.

“Javelin offers true fire-and-forget engagements to 4 kilometers in most operational conditions,” says David Pantano, Javelin Joint Venture vice president and Lockheed Martin Javelin program director.

“Once the launch command is issued, soldiers and vehicle assets like the UGV can reposition out of harm’s way. These tests demonstrated our ability to evolve Javelin capabilities to address new missions in support of the warfighter.”

Thus far, the Javelin Joint Venture team has produced more than 45,000 Javelin missiles and 12,000 command launch units. The system is updated regularly to stay ahead of advancing threats, such as the enhancement to its platform-mounted capabilities.

Javelin has been used routinely in Afghanistan and Iraq in more than 5,000 engagements by U.S. and coalition forces.