Intel's Shooting Star UAS return to the Super Bowl


During the Halftime Show of Super Bowl 53 on Sunday, Feb. 3 in Atlanta, Intel teamed up with the NFL to create the first live drone light show during a Super Bowl Halftime Show.

During a performance by pop band Maroon 5, 150 enhanced Intel Shooting Star UAS floated up and over the field in a choreographed performance to the music to form the words “ONE” and “LOVE.” With this performance, Intel broke its own world record for UAS flown indoors, which the company previously set with 110 during CES 2018.

“When we received the opportunity to bring our drone light show technology back to the Super Bowl, we were excited by the challenge to execute it live and within a closed stadium environment,” explains Anil Nanduri, Intel vice president and general manager of the Intel Drone Group. “We collaborated with the show producers, both creatively and technically, to bring a special and unique show experience to the viewers. It was an honor to have performed with Maroon 5 to create a memorable experience for those watching live from their seats in the stadium and for viewers watching at home.”

According to Intel, it enhanced its Shooting Star UAS specifically for the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show to emulate the experience of floating lanterns. Additionally, the UAS were enabled to successfully fly a preprogrammed path inside a closed stadium environment without GPS.

Intel's Shooting Star UAS were previously used for the halftime show at Super Bowl 51 but were recorded flying earlier, not live.