Gwent Police to use latest UAS to keep communities and officers safe


Gwent Police in Gwent, Wales has launched its latest UAS.

Gwent Police worked with UAS manufacturers during an eight-month trial to build and test the first bespoke Police drone in Wales, resulting in the Sky Mantis UAS, which will be used for a variety of operations including searches for high-risk missing people, policing large-scale events and disorder, and crime scene photography.

“Across the trial, the drones have proved their worth, saving the force approximately £46,800 across 36 incidents and has also been used in place of helicopters in the appropriate places,” says Inspector Gavin Clifton.

“We have been working closely with drone manufacturers to create a tailored model which meets all our policing needs and ensures that it can be deployed in all conditions around the force area.”

Gwent Police now has a total of four UAS, two bespoke Sky Mantis and two Typhoon H. The UAS can deployed across the force area whenever necessary.

“Drones are increasingly important tools for modern policing. They are cost effective, efficient, and reduce the risk to officers,” says Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert.