Evans Incorporated launches PropelUAS for UAS program implementation


Evans Incorporated, which is a “human-centered solutions consulting firm,” has launched PropelUAS, which is a new division that the company says is “changing the game and forging the future of UAS Program implementation process and technology.”

PropelUAS will form “an innovative, full-spectrum experience, from ‘Idea’ to ‘Operations’ (IDEA-OPS),” using its team of unmanned systems, air traffic control, aviation training, human factors, airports, and aviation strategy experts.

The new division plans on differentiating itself from key competitors in the UAS space by operating as an “innovative ‘translator’ across the UAS program implementation process.” By doing this, PropelUAS will maximize outcomes within a larger operational context, by staying abreast and knowledgeable of important, constantly changing regulatory and technology landscape considerations.

By leveraging the latest tools, and deciding on the correct platform, sensor, or software for a specific job, PropelUAS will ensure organizational integration to maximize the bottom line, which creates Real Operational Impact (ROI) to “derive top benefits and value from their UAS programs overall.”

Clients will ultimately save time and money because PropelUAS will be able to “compress” questions from the public and private sector “to ‘near-zero’ and in real-time” about a number of different things, such as aviation regulation, compliance, standards and impacts.

PropelUAS says that in comparison to its competitors without this knowledge, it will be able to get programs started “as much as 20% faster,” so that clients can quickly get back to focusing on their core business.

“PropelUAS is truly changing the game – bringing a smart, innovative, and full-spectrum approach to the often overwhelming and challenging UAS program implementation process,” says Bob Etris, Director of PropelUAS’ and Evans’ Aviation Business.

PropelUAS officially launched at the Airborne Law Enforcement Association (ALEA)’s annual expo in Reno, Nevada.

Etris says that the law enforcement industry is one of the top markets of interest for ProperlUAS.

“The Law Enforcement space has continued to become more sophisticated when it comes to UAS technology and initiatives,” Etris says.  

“We recognize this and see this market particularly as a place to have an early and impactful effect on the evolution of the UAS industry as a value-added partner and expert going forward.”

Following the initial launch, PropelUAS will target other industries such as Emergency Management, First Responders, and State and Local Government.