Aurora reveals autonomous aircraft Odysseus


Aurora Flight Sciences has revealed what it claims is the world’s most capable solar-powered autonomous aircraft, Odysseus, which is powered only by the sun.

Described as an “ultra-long endurance, high-altitude platform built for groundbreaking persistence,” Odysseus can effectively fly indefinitely, Aurora says, thanks its utilization of advanced solar cells, and its design, as it is built with lightweight materials.

“Odysseus offers persistence like no other solar aircraft of its kind, which is why it is such a capable and necessary platform for researchers,” says Aurora President and CEO John Langford.

According to Aurora, the inspiration behind Odysseus started with the Daedalus Project, which set records in distance and for human-powered flight in 1988 with a 72-mile flight between the Greek islands of Crete and Santorini.

The project was organized and led by Langford and other MIT colleagues who later founded Aurora. Daedalus’ records still stand today.

“Odysseus was an idea born out of Daedalus that is now a real solution to advancing the important research around climate change and other atmospheric chemistry problems,” Langford notes.

The Daedalus Project inspired a number of Odysseus’ key enabling factors, which ultimately come together to empower Odysseus’ leading-edge persistence.

One of the aircraft’s key enablers is its ability to persistently and autonomously remain on station, which facilitates communication and data gathering over a specific location. Aurora points out that no other solar aircraft offers this capability.

Another key enabler of the aircraft is that it can carry a larger payload than any other aircraft in development or production in its class, allowing for more missions to be conducted, and better resulting data quality from each mission. 

With all of its capabilities, Odysseus provides “the most capable solution for climate and weather researchers,” according to Aurora.

In addition to climate and atmospheric research, Odysseus’ persistence makes it useful for a variety of other missions and operations across communication, connectivity, and intelligence.

“Odysseus will indeed change the world,” Langford says.

Odysseus’ first flight is scheduled for the Spring of 2019.