IFM Creating UAS for Warehouse Inventory Upkeep


Intelligent Flying Machines has developed a UAS that warehouses can use for inventory upkeep and management. The UAS are currently in their testing phase, with plans to go commercial next year.

The plan of IFM is for companies to deploy several of their UAS inside of a warehouse, and those UAS would be tasked with scanning isles and collecting various pieces of information. The UAS are designed to operate autonomously, and once they complete their missions, they can land without any human supervision or oversight to recharge. The information that the UAS collect will be sent to a company’s inventory software and cross-referenced with company data, and errors and alerts will be sent to tablets for workers to check at the beginning of their shifts.

According to IFM CEO Marc Gyongyosi, lost inventory costs companies billions of dollars every year, so using UAS to help with the tracking of products and information can go a long way in helping companies save money and avoid potential headaches.

“There’s a lot of data to be collected indoors, and this technology is the first step in creating a system that can collect this information autonomously,” said Gyongyosi in an article with Tech Crunch.

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