General Atomics Completes First Successful Flight of Avenger ER UAS


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) has announced that its new Avenger Extended Range UAS completed its first flight on Oct. 27 at GA-ASI’s Gray Butte Flight Operations Facility in Palmdale, California.

Among the many features of the Avenger ER are an optimal balance of long loiter intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance and precision-strike capability. The system also features a 3,000-pound payload bay, can support a variety of sensors to complete different missions, and can fly at over 400 knots.

For CEO GA-ASI CEO Linden Blue, this successful first flight was extremely gratifying and will go a long way in making future buyers of the Avenger ER more than satisfied.

“The first flight of Avenger ER is a significant achievement in the evolution of Predator C’s proven performance and multi-mission capability,” Blue said. “The increased endurance and high payload capacity will deliver tremendous capability to our customers, who need persistent situational awareness and strike mission affordability.”

The Avenger ER is an upgrade of the company’s Predator C Avenger, as it boasts an increased wingspan of 76 feet and 2,200 pounds of additional fuel over the Predator C. The Avenger ER also has a longer flight time, with an operational ability of 20 hours.

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