Federal Defense Spending Reports

Get insights and analysis on Federal defense spending

AUVSI produces written reports, interactive Tableau workbooks, and raw data on uncrewed technology in the DoD budget. Choose your ideal format to find new opportunities and fine-tune your strategy.

Contact your account manager to request the data

Contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Our research process

Each year, AUVSI collects information on the budget for the U.S. Department of Defense and produces a report on current trends relating to the investment in the procurement and research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) of uncrewed vehicle technologies (UxV).

This process involves reviewing initial budget justifications provided in the President’s budget request and then tracking legislation that passes that budget into law through the NDAA and Consolidated Appropriations Act.

 Contact your Account Representative


Available Federal Defense Spending products

Free Written Reports


Military organizations worldwide continue to integrate UxV into their operations. The United States DoD has funded the RDT&E and procurement of uncrewed technology for decades, and support for these systems continues with the President’s most recent budget request.

The request is released annually and includes justification documents detailing the technologies that will be procured and developed. Since 2013, AUVSI has been tracking and summarizing that spending for our members, enabling them to make better business decisions as they position themselves for contracts and future opportunities.

Interactive Data through Tableau Workbooks



Each year, in conjunction with our written report, we produce an interactive Tableau workbook that presents the raw data we used. It includes simple category filters, such as domains, technologies, and DoD organizations, to help organizations conduct granular investigations based on their interests and business needs.

  • $1,650 for AUVSI Organizational Members
  • $2,750 for Nonmembers (includes the written report)

Raw Defense Spending Data Sets

Some organizations need to go beyond Tableau functionality to conduct their own analysis. We offer custom licenses to access the raw data set that powers our federal defense spending research. These licenses are available for user applications not covered under the standard subscription model.

Contact your Account Manager to discuss details and pricing.

Available Reports:

Account Managers

Picture of Alex Mann

Companies # – M
+1 571.482.3204

Companies N - R
+1 571.255.7768

Picture of Senior Business Strategist Wes Morrison

Companies S - Z
+1 571.255.7763