Flying Like a Pro: Knowing the Law and Maintaining Safe Practices

Flying Like a Pro: Knowing the Law and Maintaining Safe Practices
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 - 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM (EDT)


Three years after the implementation of Part 107, the economic and strategic capabilities of drones have been well established. However, as drones become more common in our skies and more widely accepted by the public it’s important to prioritize safety and responsible flying.

This webinar will outline the rules guiding commercial drone flight and best practices for safe flight. Join AUVSI leaders and trusted operators for a tutorial in adhering to Part 107 and maintaining airmanship principles.

David W. Russell, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Office, AUS-430, FAA
Ben Snyder, Business Develop Manager, Consortiq

*This webinar has been previously recorded

Registration is free for all attendees