Disruptive Women Powering Our Autonomous Future

Disruptive Women Powering Our Autonomous Future
Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 09:00 AM to 12:45 PM (PDT)


The AV industry is already set firmly on course to alter the very fabric of our global infrastructure and society. As the industry expands, women are increasingly filling roles as CEOs, C-suite executives, and engineers within this relatively young and lightning-paced mobility sector. We often assume the technology introduced into our daily lives has been designed and developed by those who represent our society as a whole. However, the statistics tell a different story. To address this, we will discuss female representation within the AV industry, elevating women into positions of power to affect change and supporting young girls with the desire to forge a career in AV technology. You will also hear from female engineers in the trenches on their perspectives regarding current and future technology in the autonomous sector.

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