Elbit Systems Set to Introduce ReDrone System for Detecting Hostile UAS


In an effort to protect the national airspace, Israel’s Elbit Systems has created the ReDrone system, which is designed to detect and ultimately neutralize hostile UAS.

To thwart potential attacks by rogue UAS, the ReDrone system uses its open system architecture, which allows for the inclusion of a variety of sensors and controllers to detect, target and engage threatening UAS. The ReDrone system is also capable of disrupting communication between a UAS and its operator, while also blocking its radio and video signals, and GPS positioning data.

Additional features that enable the ReDrone system to protect the airspace include 360-degree perimeter protection and real time situational awareness functionality. The system is also capable of challenging several different UAS at the same time.

Elbit Systems has also developed the SupervisIR, an infrared wide-area persistent ISTAR (information, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance) system. When installed onto the ReDrone system, the SupervisIR gives the ReDrone system signal intelligence and thermal imaging detection capabilities of hostile drones.

Both the ReDrone system and the SupervisIR will be on display this week at the Israel HLS & Cyber Conference in Tel Aviv.

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