Canada Conducts First BVLOS Flight


On Feb. 24, the first beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flight of a small UAS was flown in Canada. The flight was conducted at the Foremost UAS Range, located in Alberta, Canada.

To conduct this landmark flight, Ventus Geospatial Inc., which is the first company to meet the requirements necessary to conduct a UAS flight under BVLOS conditions at Foremost, worked in coordination with Canadian Unmanned Inc., to fly the Aeryon SkyRanger UAS, which was produced by Ontario-based Aeryon Labs.

The multi-rotor, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) UAS has been used across a number of industries, including the military, public safety and commercial sectors.

“Aeryon is proud to support Transport Canada and our aviation partners using the SkyRanger, which is the first VTOL sUAS to conform to the requirements established by Transport Canada for UAV system airworthiness and design,” says Aeryon Labs’ President & CEO Dave Kroetsch via press release.

“Transport Canada continues to be a progressive airspace regulator, establishing standards and guidelines, like BVLOS, that enable safe UAS operations within Canada.”

According to the Foremost UAS Range, this flight was the culmination of more than eight years of planning and coordinating between the Village of Foremost, Transport Canada, and NAV CANADA.

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Photo Courtesy of Aeryon Labs, Inc.

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