AT&T and Qualcomm to Test UAS on 4G Networks


AT&T and Qualcomm are conducting tests of operating UAS on the 4G LTE cellular network. The UAS connect to the same towers that cell phones connect to, and will be operable as long as they are within range of a tower.

The two companies will seek to provide solid evidence that UAS can be controlled safely beyond visual line of sight when operating on cell towers. If there is constant communication between a UAS and its operator, then the possibilities of operating beyond the visual line of sight become more realistic, opening up opportunities for companies such as Amazon and 7-Eleven, both of which are currently looking to begin making deliveries via UAS.

“There are a lot of great, innovative ideas for drone use out there, but we first need new technology that proves that the devices can fly safely over populated areas and in the national airspace,” says Paul Guckian, Qualcomm’s head of engineering, in an article with Wired.

The UAS that are operating on the networks will collect data like other technologies that operate on the 4G LTE network. Some of the possible pros of using a 4G LTE network, and future 5G networks, include widespread signal coverage and reliability of connections.

The testing will be conducted at Qualcomm’s UAS Flight Center in San Diego. The Flight Center is designed to replicated real-world areas and scenarios, as it includes commercial areas, residential areas, uninhabited areas and Federal Aviation Administration-controlled airspace.

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