Airbus Completes First Flight Using Heron I UAS


On Nov. 1, the German Bundeswehr Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Heron I UAS completed its first operational flight in Mali, West Africa, as it flew from the Gao airport and stayed aloft nearly six hours.

The flight was conducted on behalf of the German military, which has a partnership with Airbus Defence and Space. Airbus is responsible for the overall provision, maintenance and overhaul of the UAS.

Possessing a wingspan of 17 meters and a maximum flight time of more than 24 hours, the Heron I UAS can conduct several military missions, including tracking down explosives from the air, providing reconnaissance to ground forces in combat situations, and providing support for situational assessment.

Data collected from missions conducted by the Heron I will be sent to a joint evaluation center of the MINUSMA Mission, which is responsible for the safety of employees involved in UN deployment.

“The first flight is an important step to obtain the declaration of full operational capability (FOC),” Airbus said in a news release available on its website. “To achieve FOC, three aircraft will be stationed in Gao and reconnaissance missions will be carried out focusing on the north-east of the country in order to protect the citizens and MINUSMA personnel.”

The Heron I UAS has an initial deployment date planned for February 2018.

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