Weekend Roundup


This Week in the Unmanned Systems and Robotics World  

Tesla’s Model S was involved in the first self-driving car fatal crash. The Autopilot’s vision system was unable to detect a tractor trailer moving perpendicularly to the car, since its high profile and color were similar to the sky. (The Verge)

Elbit Systems successfully launched a torpedo off its Seagull unmanned maritime vehicle offshore Haifa, Israel. (Jspace News)

San Francisco is getting a fast-food burger restaurant that uses robots from Momentum Machines to make 400 hamburgers an hour. (Tech Insider)

BMW has teamed up with Intel and Israel’s Mobileye to develop self-driving cars that would hit the road in 2021. (Reuters)

A 10-year-old girl won a fellowship intended for Ph.D. students after proposing a project that would build a robot to make street art to cheer up the streets of Paris. (The Telegraph)

The U.S. Navy has deployed the MQ-8B Fire Scout on the littoral combat ship, the USS Coronado. (Naval-Technology.com)

According to its website, the Federal Aviation Administration has now approved 5,524 commercial UAS exemptions.

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