Weekend Roundup


This week in the unmanned systems and robotics world, a man invited a Scarlett Johannson robot, a sheriff is catching flack for flying the department's’ drone and Australia has loosened its regulations for commercial micro UAS flights.

According to its website, the Federal Aviation Administration has now approved 4,400 commercial UAS exemptions.

Mitsubishi is plans to leverage technology from its defense sector — present on submarines and missiles — to bolster its self-driving car plans. (Popular Mechanics)

Commercial operators of drones weighing less than two kilograms will not have to obtain regulatory approval to fly in Australia starting in September. (ZD Net)

Four companies have left the Small UAV Coalition to form their own group focused on consumer issues. (USA Today)

An Ohio sheriff is getting in trouble with the local city government for playing with the department’s drone too much. ( Police One)

Military drones indigenous to China are starting to take the defense world by storm. (CNN)

A man in Hong Kong has built a lifelike robot for $50,000 that resembles Scarlett Johansson. (Death and Taxes)

The Boston area is stuck in a legal bind over whether or not it needs regulations for driverless car tests to proceed. (ABC News)

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