UK Ministry of Defence and ASV Global Sign Agreement for USV Technology


Through Ploughshare Innovations, the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence has signed a licensed agreement with ASV Global, allowing the company to use is Advanced Unmanned Surface Vehicle Capability technology.

Ploughshare Innovations is a part of the MOD’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL).

DSTL is currently working on its Advanced USV Capability Project, set to be complete late next year. Through the project, it has developed an autonomous navigation system for USVs to operate safely at any speed.

ASV Global, which provides autonomous surface vehicles for both military and commercial customers, and which has also received funding from the DSTL, has developed advanced marine autonomy software. With a partnership now in place with the MOD, ASV Global will be able to integrate the DSTL’s technology onto its company’s platforms.

The first integration of technology, which will come on ASV Global’s ASView control system, will be demonstrated next month at the Unmanned Warrior event off the waters of Scotland.

“Working with DSTL has enabled ASV Global to design and test advanced autonomous capabilities,” said ASV Global’s Managing Director Dan Hook. “This technology will enable ASV Global to access new market areas as well as continuing to solidify our position as the leading autonomous surface vehicle system supplier.”

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