

AUVSI Presents: Operating Indoors – Time to Think Outside the Box

Date/Time: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 3:00 - 4:00 pm EST Webinar Description: Indoor drone and robotic operations, such as in warehouses, provide unique challenges and opportunities. Overcoming the technical, operational, and regulatory challenges of safely and effectively navigating indoor spaces is critical to success – and businesses need to develop trust in their people and systems. Join this webinar to hear from businesses who develop the tech and those that have been able to safely and creatively use the technology to their advantage – as time and money savers. Speakers:

Enabling Regulatory Breakthroughs for the Drone Industry with Skydio

Date/Time: Wednesday, November 2nd at 3:00 – 4:00 pm EDT Webinar Description: Existing drone regulations were written for conventional manual drones, but the advent of trustworthy autonomy enables new modes of operation and regulatory approaches. As a result, the FAA and global regulators are issuing path-breaking waivers that allow missions beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), even without the traditional requirements of visual observers and expensive ground-based radars.

West Virginia Legislative Clarification Needed for Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)

One of the most concerted advocacy pushes AUVSI has made this year has been in West Virginia, where HB 4667 was recently signed into law. Th

AUVSI’s Advocacy Success in West Virginia

With drones entering the airspace at a faster rate than ever before, state and local lawmakers are seeking to learn more about theses systems and how they will impact their districts. AUVSI supports regulations that are technology-agnostic, foster innovation, and allow for the responsible, lawful, and secure use of drones and other uncrewed systems.   

FY 2023 Budget for Uncrewed Vehicles: AUVSI's Preliminary Review

The President’s Budget was released on March 28th which proposes $127.3 billion in discretionary and $1.7 trillion in mandatory budget authority for Fiscal Year 2023. Of that $1.7 trillion, $773 billion is dedicated to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) which represents a 4% increase relative to the FY 2022 funding enacted less than two weeks earlier. In FY 2022, research conducted by AUVSI showed that just under $9 billion was appropriated to support the procurement and research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) of uncrewed vehicles and associated technologies in the DOD.

Deep Into State Legislative Sessions: AUVSI’s Advocacy Wins Across the Country

Core to AUVSI’s mission is to foster a viable and sustainable industry for uncrewed systems is advocating for balanced regulations and policies at every level of government. Uncrewed systems, including drones and automated vehicles (AV), are already beginning to improve lives and augment the human workforce, and they hold immeasurable promise to usher in a new era of innovation. AUVSI works to deliver on that vision through proactive legislative and regulatory advocacy with local, state, and tribal officials.   
