Driverless Buses are Now on the Streets of Lyon


The French city of Lyon welcomed a bus service this past weekend, as two electric minibuses hit the city’s streets. The buses, which carry 15 passengers each, are currently in the trial phase and are free to ride for passengers.

Designed by a company named Navya and operated by the Keolis transport group, the buses are currently operating on a 10-minute route with five designated stops. The buses drive at an average speed of 6 mph, and while fully autonomous, they do have an employee of Keolis who is on board in case of emergency to override the vehicle’s computer.

While the buses are a major accomplishment, Christophe Sapet, CEO of Navya, sees this as just the beginning.

“We can compete with Google and Uber cars without drivers. … A driverless French car operating in city centers can become a reality as early as 2018,” said Sapet in an article from the Telegraph.

The buses cost more than $200,000 to make. Plans are currently in place to begin building buses that can carry more passengers.

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