UK Navy Successfully Tests USV


The United Kingdom’s Royal Navy has successfully tested the Maritime Autonomy Surface Testbed (MAST) in the Thames. The MAST has the capability of operating with full autonomy, as well as remotely with a human controller.

The autonomous speed boat, which is 32 feet long and can reach speeds of more than 70 mph, is designed to carry out surveillance efforts. During its testing, it was tasked with navigating between and around other boats in the water at a moderate speed. There were no major accidents or hiccups during the testing, deeming it a success for the navy.

“This is a chance to take a great leap forward in maritime systems — not to take people out of the loop but to enhance everything they do, to extend our reach, our look, our timescales, our efficiency using intelligent and manageable robotics at sea,” said Fleet Robotics Officer Cmdr. Peter Pipkin in an article with Express.

The hope of the navy is that the successful testing of this vessel will help the U.K. surpass other militaries across the world who are actively integrating unmanned and autonomous technologies into their everyday uses. That is something that First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff Adm. Sir Philip Jones is extremely confident about.

“Unmanned maritime systems will change how we operate, but they're just the start. Our pursuit of new technologies and ideas — from big data to 3-D printing — will ensure we remain one of the most capable and successful navies in the world."

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