Schiebel Chooses Leonardo’s PicoSAR Radar to Power Its Camcopter S-100 UAS for North African Armed Forces


Schiebel has chosen Leonardo’s active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar technology, the PicoSAR radar, to be integrated into its Camcopter S-100 UAS.

The Camcopter S-100 UAS will be provided to armed forces of a North African nation, and the PicoSAR radar will help support border-monitoring and anti-terrorism surveillance missions.

The radar, which is a part of Leonardo’s portfolio of airborne surveillance and fire-control radars, will be delivered and go into service this year.

Packaging advanced ‘electronically-scanning’ AESA technology in a small, 10-kilogram unit, the PicoSAR radar is perfect for unmanned vehicles, and it can be used for missions over both land and sea.

Thus far, more than 10 customers have acquired the PicoSAR radar, and last year alone, there were four international orders placed for it.

For Schiebel, this is the second time that they have chosen to use Leonardo’s PicoSAR radar. The first time that the radar was selected, it was used to support a surveillance service contract.

The PicoSAR radar has been flown across the world, including in North America, Europe and the Middle East.

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