Driverless Scooter Hits the Campus of the National University of Singapore


A driverless scooter that was recently tested on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology has made its way to the campus of the National University of Singapore (NUS).

The scooter, which was developed by NUS, MIT and the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, has received positive reviews thus far.

“It goes really smoothly and travels very safely,” said NUS student Kevin Xiangyu Hui, who tested the scooter on campus.

The scooter, which can reach up to 6km/h and autonomously drives along footpaths, can serve as a safe alternative in a world that is increasingly becoming less and less focused on its surroundings, according to the leader of the project, Professor Marcelo Ang Jr.

“I’m sure you have experienced people who just use their handphone while walking, and almost run into you…so it would be nice if you are just sitting down and checking your emails,” Ang said in an article with Engineering and Technology.

Besides giving people an opportunity to safely check their emails, Ang also believes that the scooter can be used to work in combination with driverless cars, which are currently being tested in the country, thanks to a driverless taxi service trial using cars developed by nuTonomy.

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