Mayflower Autonomous Ship to Set Sail in 2020


Plymouth University in the United Kingdom plans to launch an autonomous ship across the Atlantic Ocean in 2020.

The vessel is set to mimic the Mayflower’s path and mark the 400th anniversary of the original voyage, sailing from Plymouth, England to Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The university has partnered with MSubs and Shuttleworth Design to create the trimaran autonomous ship, dubbed the Mayflower Autonomous Ship. It will be more than 100 feet in length and fueled by renewable energy while using traditional sails.

Shuttleworth Design is responsible for designing the vessel. A trimaran model was chosen since it is said to be best for low-speed travel. The Mayflower Autonomous Ship is also equipped to hold and deploy autonomous underwater vehicles, so that other data may be recorded during this journey.

“MAS has the potential to be a genuine world first, and will operate as a research platform, conducting numerous scientific experiments during its voyage,” says Prof. Kevin Jones, executive dean of the faculty of science and engineering at Plymouth University. “And it will be a test bed for new navigation software and alternative forms of power, incorporating huge advancements in solar, wave and sail technology. As the eyes of the world follow its progress, it will provide a live educational resource to students — a chance to watch, and maybe participate in history in the making."

Wave-tank testing of scale models will be the first step. Complete construction is set to begin in 2017. Trials will begin in 2019, and once completed the MAS would begin its journey. Initial funding is coming from the university, MSubs and the ProMare Foundation, but additional corporate and private sponsorships are being sought.

According to those within the project the ocean journey could be as short as 10 days, if weather permits, or as long as 10 months if researchers want to take their time.

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