Seegrid Uses Stereo Cameras as “Eyes” for Driverless Cars


For the last 13 years, a manufacturing robotics company called Seegrid has developed software and sensors that make it possible for industrial trucks to move and operate autonomously around manufacturing facilities and distribution centers.

Now, Seegrid is taking its technology outside of the facilities and distribution centers in an effort to make autonomous vehicles operable on the road, through the use of stereo cameras, which produce a depth of vision for driverless vehicles.

“It's just like the two eyes that are in human beings,” said Seegrid's vice president of products Jeff Christensen in an article with CNBC. “You get a depth of field.”

Christensen added that stereo cameras are a better option as a primary sensor over other cameras such as monocular cameras, because “then you can get both the image data and the ranging data from a single sensor.”

Seegrid’s technology has been tested successfully on the road, with over 500,000 miles of accident-free experience in actual customer production environments.

While Seegrid plans on testing its technology on its Nissan Leaf prototype that is currently in development and is expected to be upgraded next year, Seegrid doesn’t plan on developing autonomous vehicles. Instead, Seegrid hopes to sell its technology to automakers across the world.

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