Weekend Roundup


This week in the unmanned systems and robotics world, researchers used a UUV to find a downed World War II plane, the Pittsburgh Steelers are incorporating robots into their practices and Asian Pizza Huts are gearing up to use the Pepper robot. 

According to its website, the Federal Aviation Administration has now approved 5,238 commercial UAS exemptions.

University of Delaware researchers used a sonar-equipped underwater vehicle to find a downed TBM-1C Avenger that was lost in 1944 over Palau. (Philly.com)

Chinese smartphone company Xiaomi has launched its Mi Drone, with two models that can shoot in 4K or 1080p. (eWeek)

The Pittsburgh Steelers are using robotic tackling machines, called Mobile Virtual Players, to prevent players from having to tackle each other during practices, cutting down on the potential for injuries. (CNN)

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has called on the armed forces to develop technology faster to maintain competitiveness. The speech took place at a navy facility in Rhode Island, where Carter witnessed an unmanned surface vehicle demo in a local bay. (Military Times)

Pizza Hut stores in Asia plan on using Softbank’s Pepper robot to wait tables and take orders. (Android Headlines)

Estonian company Milrem is positioning its Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System, or THeMIS, unmanned ground vehicle as a way to lighten the load for troops, aiding at the infantry level. (Signal Magazine)

Researchers at Leibniz University in Germany have developed robots with an artificial nervous system, so they can experience “pain” and learn from their mistakes. (Quartz)

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