Aviation Safety Management for Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM)

Aviation Safety Management for Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM)
Wednesday, April 7, 2021 - 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (EST)


Kongsberg Geospatial and CAL Analytics demonstrate a Contingency Management Platform (CMP) developed to improve Aviation Safety for Unmanned Traffic by the Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Is the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) ecosystem ready to handle disruption? As the Unmanned Traffic Management industry works toward integration in the National Airspace, most of the focus has been on nominal operations. However, this still leaves unresolved the question of how the UTM system will react when inevitable hazards occur, including severe weather, component failures, and rogue actors.

The Air Traffic Management (ATM) system for manned aviation has built an enormous capacity to handle disruption while maintaining safety and minimizing impacts to operational efficiency. To realize economic viability for UTM and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), similar robustness will be required. In this webinar we’ll explore the work being done to ensure that UTM/AAM has the built-in resiliency to manage contingencies in safe and effective manner. We will describe approaches for interweaving various In-time Aviation Safety Management System (IASMS) concepts into a Contingency Management Platform (CMP).

Join Paige Cutland from Kongsberg Geospatial and Sean Calhoun of CAL Analytics, as they discuss their recent work to develop and demonstrate a Contingency Management Platform for the Ohio Federal Research Network.


  • Paige Cutland – IRIS Program Director, Kongsberg Geospatial
  • Sean Calhoun – Managing Director, Cal Analytics