The world's highest resolution in a Ground Control Station: Using map data to improve mission safety and operator situational awareness

The world's highest resolution in a Ground Control Station: Using map data to improve mission safety and operator situational awareness
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (EST)


In this presentation, Kongsberg Geospatial and Vricon, a Maxar Company, will demonstrate how high-resolution terrain data can be used to plan and conduct BVLOS UAS missions in constricted urban environments, or in near proximity to powerlines, radio towers, and other infrastructure.

The presentation will include examples of the use of very high-resolution 3D data in a ground control station for building avoidance in an urban environment, and will demonstrate how real-time line-of-sight calculations can be used to predict problem areas for signal propagation and to help ensure effective sensor coverage.

Paige Cutland – IRIS Program Director, Kongsberg Geospatial
Jonas Dehlin – Business Development Lead, Vricon, A Maxar Company

Registration is free for all attendees.