The 9th Live Demonstration, Conference & Exhibition

The 9th Live Demonstration, Conference & Exhibition
Monday, September 7, 2020 - 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM (EEST)
Event Contact: 
Michael Armon
Contact Email:


Lago Conference Center, HaMea VeEsrim St 6, Rishon LeTsiyon, IL Get Directions:

Conference attended by Israel’s leading figures from the military and security forces and defense industries

Live and rich display and show of numerous unmanned autonomous systems

A massive exhibition of manufacturers, integrators and subcontractors, all presenting advanced operational capabilities.

This year, the conference will be held in collaboration with the Association of Engineers and AUVSI Israel.

Conference Chairman – Col. (res.) Ofer Haruvi, an expert active in the remotely manned systems field for over 30 years.

Ground and aerial demonstrations will be conducted during the event, with focus on innovation, the integration of advanced technologies, and the exposure of dozens of startup companies.

The event will include an intense, fascinating program with the participation of officials from the leading defense industries, the military, security and law enforcement services, investors, and research centers, and will discuss the various aspects of robotic and unmanned systems advancement and development.

Target Audience

The event is a unique opportunity for professional meetings between companies in the technological and defense industries, integrators, research and development organizations and leading academic institutions, in the field of unmanned systems globally and in Israel, as well as potential customers.

Defense industry/security companies
End-users – Sea, air and ground
System integrators
Technology leaders – CEOs, VP R&D, CTOs
IT providers in infrastructure, ICT infrastructure providers
IDF and security services’ technological units
Academic researchers
Algorithm developers, software engineers and hardware engineers
Consulting firms

Major Topics

This year, we will focus on the following fields:
Operating unmanned systems at the low flying level
Security – focusing on IDF needs and response, and the multi-domain combat
Integration of unmanned systems in the urban space
Security, agriculture, and delivery applications.

A large exhibition showcasing innovative technologies in the field
A professional and comprehensive conference with a full-program plenary lectures by the leading experts
Ground and aerial demonstrations will be held at and outside the site
For more details on presentation / booth / sponsorship: +972-54-6742036 +972-52-4881113