Swift Tactical Systems to launch comprehensive UAS program in Bahamas following contract award


Following a multi-agency selection process that saw it beat out 25 other companies, Swift Engineering subsidiary Swift Tactical Systems has been awarded a $17 million contract to launch a comprehensive UAS program for the Bahamas government agencies and ministries. 

55 short and medium-range UAS will be purchased for the multi-agency UAS program. Immediate surveillance capabilities will be available, training and support will be provided, and a regional UAS academy will be established as part of the program. 

The UAS will be available for use by all law enforcement agencies, immigration and customs, corrections facilities, and the military for a variety of activities.

“This is an exciting partnership utilizing Swift's revolutionary drone technology and operational expertise with the Bahamian's embrace of technology in fighting crime, drug and gun trafficking, human trafficking, illegal immigration, and poaching,” says Rick Heise, president & CEO of Swift Tactical Systems.

No stranger to the Bahamas, Swift Tactical Systems team members provided support to the post-hurricane relief efforts of the government following a Category 5 hurricane that left the parts of the Grand Bahama and Abaco Islands badly damaged. Using its UAS, the team performed several day and night missions to assess the overall situation on the ground, and provide real-time data to enhance decision making for hard-to-access areas. 

“Swift Tactical Systems is a force multiplier and will support the Bahamas vision to become the region's center of excellence domestically and abroad. Our deep bench of talented pilots and specialists understand how important it is to help government officials make faster and more informed decisions,” says Alex Echeverria, vice president of Swift Tactical Systems.

“The team is poised and ready to support this innovative island nation and bring the unmanned economy to the Bahamas.”

Photo below: ​Clarence Russell, Director of Immigration; Dr. Geannie Moss, Comptroller of Customs; Eugene Poitier, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Security; Charge d'Affaires Stephanie Bowers; Capt. Raymond King, Acting Cmdr Defence Force; The Hon. Marvin Dames, Minister of National Security; Rick Heise, Swift Tactical CEO; Alex Echeverria, Swift VP of Ops; Anthony Ferguson, Commissioner of Police; and Charles Murphy, Commissioner of Dept of Correctional Svcs. (Photo by Marine Michael Turner II)