RelmaTech incorporates in US, aims at global remote ID market


RelmaTech, a remote identification and tracking company based in London, has incorporated in the United States to market to the worldwide remote ID market for identifying drones.

Based in Greenville, South Carolina, RelmaTech Inc. will take over the lead from its parent company to market its systems, including the Secure Integrated Airspace Management (SIAM) system, its flagship remote ID product.

RelmaTech says SIAM is a lightweight, low-cost module that can be installed on a variety of unmanned aircraft to provide remote identification and tracking with low latency.

In March 2017, the Australian company V-TOL Aerospace used SIAM to claim the world’s first UAS day and night beyond visual line of sight flight operations managed using an unmanned traffic management system, RelmaTech says.

The company notes it was the only overseas-based company invited to participate on the Federal Aviation Administration's 2017 FAA UAS Remote ID and Tracking Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC). It also was a member of the state of Nevada's team participating in the NASA TCL4 unmanned traffic management and Integration Pilot Program trials in Reno, Nevada. All the drones flown in the TCL4 effort were equipped with SIAM for tracking and flight management.

“Establishing a formal business presence in the U.S. has always been on our radar,” says Philip Hall, RelmaTech cofounder and CEO and president of RelmaTech Inc. “Being part of the Nevada TCL4 and UPP teams on those ground-breaking programs gave us the perfect opportunity to showcase our technology to NASA, the FAA, and the global UAS industry. The encouraging response was a clear message that now was the right time to bring forward those plans.”

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