Local Motors' Olli autonomous shuttle now operating in Rancho Cordova, California


Local Motors has announced that its Olli autonomous shuttle recently began operating in the city of Rancho Cordova, California at the White Rock Corporate Campus, which is a large business park that is home to 1,600 employees.

Over the next three months, Olli will be available to campus employees and the general public under a pilot project being funded primarily by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). The city of Rancho Cordova is providing additional funding assistance.

“Olli was designed with an eye on the future of mobility, knowing transportation needs are evolving in a variety of settings, including within the business community,” explains Matt Rivett, Local Motors executive vice president.

“This partnership with Rancho Cordova is definitely a milestone, and we anticipate that Olli will be embraced as the safe, user-friendly transportation option that she is.”

During the three-month pilot project, rider surveys will be used to collect data to help get an understanding of how the public feels about self-driving shuttles.

The surveys will also be used to gauge how the public feels about the potential for congestion relief and better mobility, the reduction of single occupant vehicle use, and the potential for the use of the latest Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology.

“The Sacramento Area Council of Governments is thrilled to see the rubber hitting the road as Rancho Cordova launches its autonomous Olli shuttle pilot,” says James Corless, SACOG’s executive director.

“This project was dreamed up in our Civic Lab innovation accelerator program and funded by the SACOG board of directors and private sector matches. We look forward to seeing how innovative mobility solutions can operate in a business park setting, providing a clean, zero-emission transportation choice for workers.”

The Olli shuttle will operate at the White Rock Corporate Campus until Nov. 7.