Drone Delivery Canada unveils next generation drone delivery cargo aircraft


Drone Delivery Canada (DDC) has unveiled its Condor UAS, which represents the company’s next generation of drone delivery cargo aircraft.

According to DDC, the Condor “pushes the limits in both cargo capacity and distances,” as it features a payload capacity of 400 pounds, and a potential travel distance of up to 200 kilometers. The Condor is powered by a next generation gas propulsion engine.

Measuring 22 feet long, 5.1 feet wide and seven feet tall, the Condor UAS has a wing span of approximately 20 feet. Capable of vertical take off and landing, the Condor is equipped with DDC’s proprietary FLYTE management system, which is used in all of DDC’s cargo delivery UAS.

This management system was used last fall when DDC supported Transport Canada’s Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight (BVLOS) pilot project in Moosonee and Moose Factory, Ontario.

DDC says that it will work closely with Transport Canada to secure the necessary approvals to begin flight testing the Condor in quarter three of this year.