Ontario looks to grow its autonomous vehicle industry


During a recent visit at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada’s Minister of Transportation Jeff Yurek showed his support for the innovation and growth of the autonomous vehicle industry within the Canadian province.

Ontario has updated its Automated Vehicle Pilot program to allow for more testing of emerging technologies, as well as to support future sales of the next generation of automobiles. These actions are a part of a recent package to create jobs by eliminating red tape and burdensome regulations.

Ontario will allow vehicles equipped with Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Level 3 technology to operate on its roads once they are eligible for purchase in Canada. Pilot participants will also be allowed to test driverless automated vehicles and connected truck platoons on roads, under strict conditions.

“We’re cutting red tape for Ontario universities, companies, and others involved in automated vehicles to stimulate innovation, economic growth, market share and job creation in our province,” Yurek says.

“Ontario is leading the nation in testing, developing and bringing these new technologies to market.”

To keep the roads of Ontario safe, each company testing automated/connected vehicle technology as part of Ontario's pilot will be required to follow strict guidelines and rules.

A vehicle moving with any level of automation will still be required to have someone behind the wheel that can take over control of the vehicle if necessary, and obeys all existing driving laws, including laws regarding distracted and impaired driving.

The Ontario government says that the changes being made will open the door to opportunities for both local business interests and international sector investments. The changes are also expected to unlock potential economic benefits and position Ontario to be a leader in connected and automated vehicle technology.

The Ontario government notes that Ontario is home to the second-largest technology cluster in North America, as it features more than 150 start-ups and scale-ups working on connected and automated vehicle technology and artificial intelligence.